
When Walmart faced the challenge of removing display monitors from their stores nationwide, they turned to their trusted partner, Rogers, for a solution. This extensive project required the expertise of two Rogers technicians per job site, along with scissor lifts to safely handle the task. Their objective was to repackage and ship the Stratacache monitors back to the customer while ensuring their pristine condition. Rogers seamlessly managed the distribution logistics and provided high-level project management oversight to guarantee a successful outcome.

With a well-executed plan in place, Rogers deployed two technicians per location, working tirelessly to complete the project within a single night. Their responsibilities included not only the physical removal of the monitors but also the meticulous packaging and shipping process. The project covered an impressive scale, with Rogers successfully removing, packaging, and shipping monitors from 2,500 Walmart locations spread across 49 states in the United States.

Display monitors pictured in a Walmart location prior to the Rogers removal.

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Rogers’ technicians exhibited exceptional skill and attention to detail throughout the project. In addition to performing the necessary electrical work, they demonstrated their expertise by accurately identifying the correct monitors and locating the corresponding boxes that had been shipped to each store. This meticulous approach ensured that each monitor was properly packaged and returned to the appropriate destination, completing the project with utmost precision and efficiency.