On any given day, your business has electrical maintenance issues that arise. Your facilities network encounters a broad range of electrical issues every week, month and year. Our on-demand services, which are supported by our preventative maintenance, work to maintain a productive and comfortable work environment for you, while optimizing functionality and proactively cutting your costs. But because the unexpected is bound to happen, Rogers is ready to fix any unexpected problems as well. All your facilities can call one number 24/7/365 for any maintenance, repair or electrical need.
Rogers is certified through FEMA to be a first responder in major national emergencies. We have the power to mobilize local and regional teams at a single location or across an entire region to provide damage assessment, generator power and emergency electrical repairs.

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Energy Management Solutions
Rogers works with a number of Energy Management Systems to develop, implement, install and maintain technology that will make a positive difference in your energy management program. We have installed more than 1,500 Energy Management Systems nationwide and perform daily maintenance on current systems across the country. We are also experts at troubleshooting, replacing and retrofitting a wide variety of complex systems. With the rapid advancements of technology in energy and information systems (including IOT), Rogers is staying up-to-date on new trends and capabilities to be able to provide to our clients.

Critical Power
Rogers can provide a complete, engineered, turn-key solution for the installation of any size commercial or industrial generator in new, replacement and retrofit applications. Whether proactive or reactive approaches are needed, Rogers has the manpower to provide reliable electricity to your facilities to keep your businesses running and your clients happy.
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With Rogers
Rogers helps simplify the challenge of managing your electrical needs and other facility assets. All across the nation, we streamline your construction, rollouts, service, lighting and distribution processes with one point of contact. Your people call us, we do the rest.